Why does Pornography damage all relationships so very much?

Important questions to ponder on:

What does viewing pornography cause a person to feel about a precious daughter of God?

Isn’t it true, that it causes him to see her as a “sex” object, instead of as a dearly beloved daughter of God? Would you want to put images and things in your mind, that train your mind to see precious daughters of God, as sex objects, instead of as a precious dearly beloved daughter of God with infinite worth and potential? Considering how dearly God loves each of his daughters (and sons) for the unique and special person with amazing potential that they are; how does God feel about pornography and those who view it?

How does viewing pornography affect your relationship with God?

And with yourself?

And with your present or future wife?

Even if you are able to hide your pornography addiction from your present or future wife for a while; she will sense that your love is not as real or sincere as it should be, won’t she?

And eventually, you will get caught in your pornography addiction, won’t you?

Isn’t the best and wisest way to avoid any addictions; to avoid them like the plagues they are, and to never partake of or taste of the substance or addictive things?

With pornography, that is harder than with alcohol, drugs, tobacco, isn’t it?

– – — because Hollywood, and others in the financially lucrative sleaze and pornography industry flood the world with it – – – almost everywhere you look, right? For example, my own younger sister, who owns a home near a well known Southern California beach, expressed that even though their family loves the beach, she kind of hates taking her five boys to the beach in the summer, because of the pornography that is all around wherever you look with so many ladies wearing swim suits that barely cover much of their private parts at all. On most beaches, it is against the law, to walk around completely naked, but many people seem to try to get as close to completely naked as legally possible, without getting arrested for it. So, please don’t get down on yourself if your eyes have on occasion seen glimpses here and there of pornography. Unfortunately, in these modern days, the devil and his team have plastered it all over on magazines, movies, billboards, and out on girls walking out in public with very skimpy items of clothing on – – – all to try to damage families and relationships, and to make filthy lucre/money. Hollywood and the rest of the sleaze industry try to convince precious daughters of God, that it is fashionable and beautiful to show off as much of their private body parts as legally possible in public. I suppose, if they can convince ladies that the skimpy clothing is fashionable, then they can charge extra for it, even though it is cheaper to make than clothing that takes much more material.

Power quote to ponder on from Jesus Christ:

“Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.”  Matthew 5:27-28

That quote from Jesus sure makes it clear that He knows that pornography should be avoided like the worst plague, and that it is very spiritually damaging.

I don’t believe that a person should say to himself, “well, I have already committed adultery in my heart, so I might as well do it in action too.” And I don’t believe that Jesus is saying here that committing adultery in your heart is as bad as doing the act of committing adultery, but He is making it clear that viewing pornography and thinking in a pornographic way is very damaging, wrong, and bad. We live in far more pornographic times today, than when Jesus lived on earth. Surely, any wise person can easily recognize that viewing pornography severely damages a person’s ability to see daughters of God as dearly beloved “daughters of God” – – – with each one being of infinite worth and value.

True Story: About 35 years ago, while I was at a meeting with other insurance agents; one agent expressed to our little group during a break, that his teenage daughter had asked him to please stop receiving his Playboy Magazine subscription that he was receiving in the home. He sounded like he did not understand why that was important to her, and that he did not intend to quit receiving and viewing it? Do you understand why it would make his daughter extremely uncomfortable to have her father viewing that pornography in the Playboy Magazines – –  that makes daughters of God, look like mere sex objects? Do you understand her father viewing pornography, would make a daughter or a wife feel like their sacred family relationships are not as trustworthy and secure?

Do you understand why pornography has become a bigger problem in recent years with millions being lured into viewing pornography on the internet on their cell phones and computers, where they falsely believe they won’t get caught and thereby severely damage the trust in their marriage and family relationships? Isn’t it true that pornography is very often a big factor in leading a foolish husband to have an affair? 

Do you recognize that many scientific studies have proven that pornography is one of the most powerful and most damaging mind-altering addictions of all?

In what ways does pornography alter a person’s view and opinion of the personal worth of another daughter or son of God?

Why do people almost always view pornography in private where no one will see them doing it?

For the same reason that people try to hide their stealing, cheating, and lying – – – because they know and sense that it is wrong, and dirty, and sleazy, and unacceptable to God and to all decent and wise people. In every area of life, we can feel within our inner spirit part of us – – – the Light of Christ, as inner guidance from God, regarding what is right vs wrong, good vs evil, etc.; isn’t that true?

It is completely impossible to do wrong, and feel right about it inside of your inner spirit – – – even if you do it in private. – – – therefore viewing pornography severely damages even a person’s relationship and confidence with themselves – – – and with God, family members, and everyone else.

Some boys/men believe they can hide their pornography addictions from their girl friend or wife, but they always eventually get caught, and then their spouse feels betrayed – – – like their husband is “cheating” on them, and getting caught up in viewing women as “sex objects”, instead of as a precious and wonderful daughter of God.

And they can never hide their sinful behavior from God, even for a minute.

Isn’t the wisest choice to always give our best daily effort to follow the teachings of God and of His Son, Jesus Christ, as taught in the Bible?

Pornography seems to be a more common problem with men than with ladies, but it  is also becoming a problem with ladies too. Sadly, many ladies are falling for peer-pressure to become walking pornography themselves  – – – in the way they get pushed by peer pressure to dress very immodestly. It has become much harder to find modest ladies clothing and swimsuits.  

As a daughter of God; do you want your future husband to view you and other ladies as a sex object, or do you want him to value you as the amazing daughter of God that you are inside?

Some questions for you ladies:

If you choose to date or marry a man who is addicted to pornography, and has thereby developed the horrible habit of viewing ladies as sex objects, how will that affect your marriage relationship?

Do you recognize that the best marriages, are based on trust and a best friend relationship?

Yes, it is good to have some attraction to each other and some passion about enjoying being close and intimate emotionally, spiritually, and physically; but isn’t it true that pornography will damage that attraction to spouse and the trust in the marriage relationship, not make it better. 

If your boyfriend or husband is into pornography, do you want to be worried about him being attracted more to the body of someone else that he is viewing in pornography, instead of being attracted to you as a special daughter of God, and best and most trusted friend and forever companion?

If you have a choice to date or marry a man that has a pornography addiction or one that does not; which would you prefer?

Why do so many ladies get swayed to follow peer pressure to become “walking pornography”, by the way that they dress immodestly – – – seemingly trying to attract the attention of people who are addicted to pornography and who already view daughters of God as mere sex objects?

Do you recognize that if you dress immodestly, you will be attracting the wrong kind of guys who will view you more as sex objects? – – – and driving away the right kind of guys, who would make a better and more trustworthy and loving husband?

Do you realize that it is very uncomfortable and difficult for guys who are trying to not view any pornography, when so many of you ladies choose to dress in a way that you become walking pornography, and that makes it look like you want to be viewed as sex objects? Or, I suppose, a lot of ladies are just believing that it is fashionable and cool to dress immodestly like the sleaze magazines portray as glamorous and beautiful.

Wouldn’t you much prefer from this day forward, to be viewed as a daughter of God of infinite worth than to dress in a way that you attract attention as a sex object?

As a wise and beautiful Sister in our Church taught; “the way you dress can either say; I respect myself, or it can say, I am for sale.” Which will you choose?

Please trust that if you happen to have a fit and beautiful well taken care of body, that guys will notice that, even if you do not dress immodestly? In fact, they will be so very impressed that you look so very classy and fit without needing to try to show off your partly naked body. And if you don’t happen to have as beautiful of a physical body as some people; don’t worry about it, and just take good care of your body with good nutrition and exercise, and let your light of your eyes and countenance shine out with a kind and loving gift of a smile that you share with everyone you meet. A good man will be impressed with your kind and gentle goodness and friendliness, and you can be blessed with joyful and loving relationships that will bring you joy and fulfillment.

Many ladies wish they had a beautiful movie star body and looks.

Do you recognize that an amazingly beautiful body can be either a blessing or a curse – – – depending on your relationship with God and others?

So very often the most beautiful cheerleaders and homecoming queens and other beautiful ladies; are chased by the wrong worldly guys, who are going after them for all of the wrong reasons.

I knew a wealthy young man in our Church in his early 20’s, who tried to hide his wealth from any ladies he dated, so that he could know that they were not just interested in him because of his money. However, if a lady has a beautiful body, it is harder to hide that from guys she is dating, so that she can know that they are truly interested in who she is inside, not just chasing her because she happens to have a beautiful outer shell/body. 

Remember, that God taught us in the Bible that “the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.” 1 Samual 16: 7.

God can help good men and women to appreciate us for who we are inside of the inner spirit part of us – – – not for just whether or not we happen to have been born with an almost perfect and flawless body that is beautiful on the outside. Thousands of people who were not born with beautiful bodies are blessed by God with wonderful loving and trusting marriage relationships that are far better than the fake Hollywood relationships of the rich and famous with their beautiful bodies, that usually end in pain, suffering, and divorce.

Certainly, our loving and fair Father in Heaven does not and would not ever bless any individual with increased love, joy, inner peace, etc. just because they happen to born with an almost flawless and beautiful body, would He?  That would not be fair or right, would it?

If God does not judge you for not having been born with an almost flawless and beautiful body; then why should you and I judge each other for such things?

God taught us in the Bible that our body is a temple, and that we have a sacred responsibility to take great care of it. 

Isn’t the best fashion statement; that we do all within our power to put great nutrition into our bodies and to keep them as fit and healthy as we can, and to always wear a kind smile and a positive and loving countenance?

With the absolutely amazing body that God gave us and entrusted us with – –  that is worth far more than a billion dollars; shouldn’t we do all we can to give it proper nutrition and exercise – – – and not deface it with body piercings and tattoos that are very hard to erase later when you figure out that is not how God wanted you to deface your amazing body. You wouldn’t put a bunch of ugly and distracting bumper stickers or body piercings all over an amazingly beautiful expensive sports car, would you?     

Some questions to ponder on, for you men:

How important is it that your future wife is able to trust that you are and always will be truly loyal to her?

If you are looking at and thereby getting addicted to pornography; will your future wife be comfortable with that, and feel that you are truly loyal to her?

So, if you have a pornography problem, will you try to hide it from her for as long as you can – – – – knowing that of course, you will eventually get caught, and then surely the trust in your relationship will be severely damaged, right?

Do you recognize that with God’s help all things are possible – – –  including overcoming and abandoning forever any bad addictive habits such as pornography, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, lying, cheating, unkindness, anger, abuse, etc.?

Wouldn’t it feel so very wonderful if you choose today with God’s constant help to overcome all of your bad addictive habits, so that you can prepare yourself to be able to build and maintain much more joyful and fulfilling relationships in the future?

Isn’t the wisest choice, that we respectfully help our youth to choose to avoid pornography and other addictive things all of their life like the plague that they are?

Isn’t it far more likely that your future girl friend or wife will trust you if you choose to never get into pornography?

Yes, with these modern day computers and cell phones, pornography will be thrown at you a lot wherever you look – – – even if you try to avoid it; but you are always free to quickly click off of it, and look away from it – – – instead of dwelling on it, and to set up blockers in your computer and cell phones to try to block it. 

Remember the great old song about “for your eyes only” as in a committed and private covenant marriage relationship – – – not for one spouse to dress immodestly, to attract the attention of those in public who look on them as the pornography that many ladies become – –  which is usually out of peer pressure and Hollywood teachings and bad morals being spread all over. Of course, for a married couple who trust and love each other; it is very natural and normal and even expected by God, that they share emotional, spiritual, and physical intimacy with each other. It is part of following God’s command and loving teachings in the Bible that “a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and they were not ashamed.”Bible: Genesis 2: 24 – 25.

For those who use pornography (or steal, cheat, lie, abuse others, etc.); how does that affect each of their relationships with God, self, spouse, children, and others?

It definitely causes severe damage to each of those relationships, doesn’t it?