Greetings to each of you visitors to our “Christ Centered Sports, Games, and Friendship Club” website, also referred to shortened on this website, as Christ Centered Sports Club, or just Club.

I, Charles E. Hunt, set up this website to try to help bring as many as possible of the dearly beloved children of God, closer to Him and to His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. And so that we can all experience more trusting and loving relationships with God, self, family members and others while on earth and forever after with increased real joy, love, brotherly kindness, respect, inner-peace, goodness, and increased faith in and love for Jesus Christ as our Savior.

What  did Jesus Christ teach us regarding how we can know who are His true followers and disciples?  He clearly taught that  we can know them by whether or not they have genuine love one to another and also that “Ye shall know them by their good fruits”, as described by Jesus in the Bible verses below: 

John 13: 34 – 35:  “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”

 As Jesus Christ taught us to do; our central focus will be to keep improving at doing all of our interactions with God, self, family members, and others with genuine love, kindness, and respect.

Matthew 7: 16 – 18: “ Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.”

Many modern day Christian pastors have completely changed what Jesus taught, and say that we should judge some groups and individuals as non-Christians, by other methods that Jesus did not teach, such as do they interpret this or that Bible verse differently than the one judging, condemning, and labeling others as non-Christians.

One of our highest goals is to help make it popular for youth and children of God of all ages, to choose to live a Christ Centered Life, and to realize that that is the wisest and most joyful choice.

We want to all kindly encourage each other, especially by example, to follow what Jesus Christ taught are the two greatest and most important commandments of loving and serving God, and loving and serving our fellow men, as described by Him in the Bible verses below:

Matthew 22: 36 – 40:  “Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

Since, Jesus Christ Himself, taught us that these are the two most important commandments of all; that will also be our highest and most important priority and focus at our Christ Centered Sports, Games, & Friendship Gatherings. Everyone who chooses to participate in our Club activities will be expected to show genuine kindness, respect, and brotherly love toward each other Club member and toward their family members, and others they associate with in their daily lives. Of course, none of us are perfect, but Jesus did clearly teach us to follow Him, and the example of His life, in going about doing good, and showing kindness, love, and respect toward all children of God. He also promised that would bring far more love, joy, inner peace, goodness, and faith  into our lives and the lives of others, than anything else. See Galatians 5: 22, etc.

By serving others in simple ways, as we give gifts of a kind smile, a listening ear, being a real friend, etc., we learn to love others and build trusting and loving relationships.  Albert Schweitzer wisely taught: “I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.”

As we make daily prayerful efforts to come closer to our Father in Heaven, and His Son, Jesus Christ, and pray for their love and grace in our lives; and accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, our hearts and desires will be joyfully transformed. And it will become gradually easier and more appealing to follow the joy-producing and love-producing teachings of Jesus Christ, and to avoid the vices and temptations of the devil. 

It will be our goal together to help each other to clearly realize that our Father in Heaven, and His Son, Jesus Christ, are much wiser than anyone else, and that they lovingly gave us commandments and teachings to bring us far more real love, joy, inner peace, etc. into our lives and relationships than we can ever possibly have by following the worldly teachings taught by the devil and his team of deceivers and liars, who deceive by promising happiness in sinful living, worldly pleasures, and drugs, alcohol, selfishness, and constantly chasing after fun and thrills, prideful living, accumulation of stuff, etc.

 I also started this website and the encouragement for Christ Centered Sports, Games, and Friendship Clubs, to help clear up about 200 years of purposeful false slander by the devil and his team against the Christian Church that I choose to very thankfully belong to, “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints”. Most of those who spread false slander against us Bible believing Christians in our Church, who dearly love Jesus Christ as our Savior; are actually also Bible believing Christians, who have been deceived and prejudiced against us by 200 years of false slander by the devil and his team. I believe the good Christians, who have become prejudiced against us by false slander; who decide to open mindedly and prayerfully check out what our Church actually believes and teaches, will love it, and will end up feeling that there is no Christian Church anywhere that is more Christ centered.

Anyone is very welcome to join with us in our Christ Centered Club Activities, even if they are not Christians – – – as long as they are willing to be committed to keep improving at treating each member of our Club and others in Christ-like ways as Jesus Christ taught us to do – – –  with kindness, respect, genuine friendship, brotherly love, no swearing or vulgar language, etc. Part of showing respect for others, is that you agree to not speak negatively about the faith or religious views of others in the Club, and that you won’t pass out or encourage others to look at anti-Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints materials, or anti-any other Church materials. Let’s please look for the good in each other, and be thankful for the many areas that we share in common, such as our common love for the Bible and for Jesus Christ as our Savior., and for His joy-producing and love-producing teachings.

My name is Elder Charles Hunt. “Elder” is a title and office in the priesthood, that I am asked to go by while serving as a full time missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, also referred to shortened on this website as the Church of Jesus Christ, or just the Church. My dear adorable wife and I are retired and we are very joyfully serving an 18 month Christian mission in Loja, Ecuador without pay as the other 75,000 of the current missionaries from our Christian Church volunteer to do all over the world. A few thousand of us are retired couples and singles who volunteered to serve. The vast majority of our missionaries are amazing and loving young single men and ladies between ages 18 and 25 years old. Why did we all so willingly offer to sacrifice so very much to serve full-time without pay?  – – – simply because of our deep love for the beautiful teachings of Jesus Christ, and for Jesus Christ as our Savior.

Even if you have no interest in sports and games, we encourage you to come to our gatherings to enjoy mingling and building joyful friendships with other Christ Centered children of God, who recognize that all real joy during our time on earth and forever is in relationships. For those not building relationships as you play sports and games, we encourage you to mingle in small or large circles of two or more, and make sure everyone is included. And please move around to get to know others in other groups. If you are alone, please pull up a chair with a group. If you see someone alone, please invite them to join your group and get to know each other better.

I created the content on this website, so I alone am responsible for any errors in it. I have tried to write only factual things on this website, but nothing I have written here is approved by our Church leaders as any official doctrines or teachings of our Church. I am just a pretty typical one of about 75,000 missionaries serving throughout the world from our Church at this time, who are trying to live a joyful and loving Christ Centered life as our Church leaders and the Bible and the Book of Mormon clearly teaches us to do.

Elder Charles E. Hunt

Below are a couple of photos of my dear adorable wife, Sister Amparo Hunt, and me. The Sister Missionaries in our Church are asked to go by the title of Sister Hunt, etc.

Important: For any of you,  who attend any of our Christ Centered gatherings in any locations; please understand, that  you thereby give approval for photos with you in them, to appear on our website. See photos tab on the top of our website. So far, we have Christ Centered Sports, Games, & Friendship groups in six locations where members of our Church and their friends meet in the Loja, District of Ecuador: in the towns of: Loja, Catamayo, Saraguro, Zamora, and Yantzaza. We expect and hope that it will expand to many other areas of the Ecuador Guayaquil South Mission and many other Spanish and English speaking areas of the world soon.