What can we learn by Near Death Experiences (& how they confirm God’s Plan of Happiness).

There is a new movie that just came out in October 2023 at Theatres, called “After Death”. As the advertisement for the movie reads, “After Death” is a gripping film that explores the afterlife based on real near-death experiences, conveyed by scientists, authors, and survivors. From the New York Times bestselling authors who brought you titles like 90 Minutes in Heaven, Imagine Heaven, and To Heaven and Back, emerges a cinematic peek into the unknown that examines the spiritual and scientific dimensions of mortality, inviting viewers to contemplate the possibility of life after death.” Below are some direct quotes and notes from the trailer and movie that I wrote down, from different characters in it who had an “out of body experience”, and from narrators.

After a small airplane pilot had mechanical problems with his airplane, and crashed, he said: “I found myself above the crash site, and I could see a pilot and it was me.”    Someone who researched a lot of these Near Death Experiences, said, “The near death experiences typically occur in a very consistent process. The first thing that happens, is called an ‘out of body experience’, and they come to a place of exquisite beauty. They very commonly see a light and deceased relatives come to greet them. One described the following, “The first person I saw was my grandpa.”   “Not every near death eperience is a good one. 23% had hellish experiences” said one who studied about the out of body experiences.   Another said, “I heard a voice saying, ‘You still have a purpose on earth.’  Another said, “I never felt alive and then dead. I felt alive and then more alive.”   Another witness in the hospital said, “Even though they were unconscious, they were able to give corroborative evidence” of what was happening in the operating room.  Another said, “This really does show that there is life after Death.”  “They realize they still have a spirit body.” Many have a life review. “My whole life flashed in front of me.”  “They showed me my life in chronological order.”  “They often have an experience from this God of light and love, that is more loving than anything they have ever experienced.”  “I told my wife it is all love. It is an ocean of love, and you need to get involved in that ocean of love.”  “I realize that everyone is chasing different things, money, fame, etc. But for those who come back, they realize all that matters is love and sharing it with others. That is all that matters to God.”  “What we say and the choices we make matter.”  “When my time on earth is over, I know loved ones will be there to greet me.”  “None of them want to go back” (to their life on earth). “They lose their fear of death.”  “I died instantly on the bridge when semi hit me. I felt more alive than I had ever felt.”  “I felt myself leaving my body.”   A Budhist from South Korea said, “I know one thing. We live once and die once, and there is judgment after.”  “They were often up close to the ceiling watching the doctors work on reviving their bodies.”   “She began to speak details about her operation, describing details that she should not know.”  “Heaven is light, God is light. There are no earthly words that do justice in describing how beautiful Heaven is.”   “I recognized this group of people who greeted me and welcomed me.”  “The music was amazingly beautiful. It was the most vivid thing that had ever happened to me.”  

I have always been fascinated by reading articles and books from people who have had what has become known as “Near Death Experiences” or “Out of body experiences”, – – – where their spirit had temporarily left their bodies while on an operating table in the hospital, etc.  The reason I have loved those true stories so much, is because they match so beautifully what The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints teaches – – – about how we will be greeted by loving family members, who have passed on before us, and how it will be such a joyful and wonderful experience for most of us departing this earth-life to a better life. However, I used to listen to Christian radio quite often, until I kept hearing too much anti-Mormon false slander from pastors who were taught that slander in their Bible colleges, and believed it without checking out what we actually believe and teach. I heard some pastors teach that we should not believe that these “Near Death” experiences and stories are real – –  that keep getting spread around, – – – even though thousands have experienced their spirits leaving their bodies for a time when on the operating table, etc., and then coming back into their bodies, and their reports are amazingly consistent. And why don’t these Christian Pastors like or trust the real “Near Death” experiences of others, especially because thousands of people all over the world have experienced and learned very similar beautiful things while out of their bodies? And so many could describe in detail things that happened in the operating room of the hospital, etc., while their spirit was temporarily separated from their bodies. There is too much consistent evidence to just call it fake stories, that should not be trusted or believed, – – – just because it does not match some of the interpretations of the Bible from modern day Christian pastors.

Obviously, to most of these modern day Christian Pastors, it does not make sense that people who in their mind, have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior before they died, would be greeted by loving family members, and loving greetings from other messengers of God, while out of their bodies – – – when they were taught at their Bible Colleges about the One Heaven and One Hell Plan for the forever future of all of the children of God. They would rather keep believing that everyone who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior before they die, will be going to suffer forever in Hell – – –  not be greeted with so much love by messengers of God, and family members, and others who have passed on there earlier.  

And while their spirit was out of their bodies, they experience very fascinating and interesting things, before they are revived back to life and their spirits returned to their bodies. In one book I read, the author said something like, “I looked down from above the operating table, and watched the doctors working trying to revive me, and I was later able to tell them exactly what was done and said while I was out of my body. There are many common denominators that they describe that they experienced while out of their bodies. One thing that impresses me the most, is that they experience amazing love from God and from beloved deceased family members who greeted them, who had already left this life and graduated to a more heavenly place. Some were told that their mission on earth was not over, and that they should return to their bodies. Most described that they felt so much love from deceased family members and others there, that they did not really want to come back into their bodies. Each of them seemed to learn that by far the most important thing of all is our relationships with God, self, family members and others, and that we should share love and kindness toward every child of God – – – which of course perfectly matches what Jesus Christ taught in the Bible, about the two most important commandments being to love and serve God, and to love and serve our fellow men.

In one book that I read, from a lady who experienced and learned a lot of beautiful truths from departed family members and others, while out of her body, she said that after she came back into her body, she wanted to find the Church that taught the principles and things that she learned. She searched quite a lot, and she did eventually find the church that taught the beautiful truths that she learned while out of her body, and it was The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which she did very thankfully join. She said that there were about 40 beautiful truths that she had learned while out of her body, that so very beautifully matched the teachings of our Church, but not the teachings of other Christian churches that she studied as she tried to find the Church that matched the truths she learned while out of her body.

I was very near death for a few weeks, while I was in the hospital for two months in November and December 2000 from a severe car accident; but in my case, my spirit was not out of my body that I know of. However, after my two months of barely hanging on to life in the hospital, I was even more convinced that loving and serving God and our fellow men was the most important thing for all of us to focus on – – – as Jesus taught regarding the two most important commandments.