Are the Teachings of Jesus Christ the Best Bargains Ever Offered to Anyone?

I love how each of the commandments of God, are beautifully designed by Him to bring us more real joy and more trusting and loving relationships.

For example, the first four of the ten commandments are designed to improve our relationship with God, and the next six are designed to improve our relationship with others. The First and Second Great Commandments from Jesus Christ – – – to love and serve God and our fellow men, are designed to make our relationship with God and with others better and more joyful.

Through much careful study, and much prayer, pondering, and careful observance in my own life, and the lives of many others, I am convinced that the teachings of Jesus Christ work far better than anything else to bring increased real “love, joy, and inner peace into our lives, as God promised in the Bible in Galatians 5:22, where it teaches that “the afruit of the bSpirit is clovedjoyepeaceflongsufferingggentleness, goodness, hfaith.”

For anyone who has chosen to do a serious experiment on the joy-producing teachings of Jesus Christ, by studying it carefully and prayerfully, and following the teachings; they soon experience the amazing spiritual gifts or fruits of the Spirit, of increased “love, joy, inner-peace, gentleness, goodness, faith” etc. The teachings of Jesus Christ are the best bargains ever offered to anyone, where the promised blessings are worth amazingly more than any efforts to follow the commandments and teachings of God and His Son, Jesus Christ. No one needs to trust someone’s words about it. Anyone can do a serious personal experiment, and they will soon know for themselves that the teachings of Jesus Christ work far better than anything else to bring these gifts of the Spirit, and that these spiritual gifts are worth far more than anything that money can buy. If you pause to ponder deeply on the enticings and temptations of the devil and his team, you can also start to realize that they offer the very worst deals ever offered to anyone. They promise happiness in wickedness, and deliver nothing of any value at all. They have nothing of any value to offer. They can’t give any of the spiritual gifts of real love, joy, and inner-peace, goodness, etc., because they don’t have any of those to give to anyone. Their goal is to trap people in bad habits and vices and thereby take control of their lives, to lead them to a life of misery and regret. They disguise their offers to try to make sin and wickedness look attractive, – – –  just like a fisherman tries to cover his hooks with enticing things to get the fish to fall for their traps. If you study the teachings of Jesus Christ carefully, then His teachings, will look more and more attractive, and the devil’s offers will look more and more like the horrible and foolish choices that they are.

As Abraham Lincoln taught, “When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad.” God always encourages us to choose good and kind and loving actions and thoughts. The devil and his team entice us to choose bad, and sinful actions and thoughts that damage relationships and that give the devil and his team power over us by addictions and bad habits that become hard to break.