Can Positive Music & Power Quotes Transform Our Lives in Joyful Ways?

Yes, Positive spiritual music and Power Quotes from the scriptures and other uplifting sources have the power to truly transform our thoughts, habits, actions, and lives in amazingly joyful and loving ways. 

Many of the best Power quotes anywhere are given to us from God, Himself, through His prophets, as recorded in both the Bible and “The Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ”, which is why they have become the #1 and # #2 most read self-help books in the world, and the # 1 and # 6 most read books of any kind in the history of world, in spite of endless false slander and opposition against them by the devil and his team. 

We have three groups of Power Quotes on our website, that I would suggest you read and ponder on with your family or by yourself if you live alone. You may think you are already too busy, but it does not need to take any extra time. While enjoying a meal together for example, you can simply take turns reading out loud and discussing a Power Quote from any of the three groups on my website, or find other good ones to share. 

  1. Power Quotes from the Bible.
  2. Power Quotes from “The Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ”. The Book of Mormon is a powerful witness of the Bible and of Jesus Christ as our Savior – – – even though you may have heard false slander against it by those who have no idea of the beautiful truths it teaches. They are simply re-telling false slander that the devil and his team have been spreading about the Book of Mormon for almost 200 years to try to keep people from reading it, and rejoicing in the real love, joy, and inner peace that comes into our lives as we prayerfully study both the Bible and the Book of Mormon. You can learn more about the Book of Mormon, by clicking on the link on our website, called “Fascinating Facts about the Book of Mormon.” In this group of Power Quotes are also quotes from ‘The Doctrine & Covenants”, which are revelations from the prophet, Joseph Smith, and a couple of other modern day prophets, and some quotes from “The Pearl of Great Price”, which has sections from the prophet Moses and Abraham, that are not in the Bible. 
  3. Power Quotes from other sources of wisdom. 

Pondering on wise Power Quotes, gives us the inner clarity of thought to make wiser decisions, and the power to prayerfully follow through on those wiser decisions no matter what opposition the devil and his deceitful team of liars and peer pressure manipulators throw at us. 

For example, I love this simple wise Power Quote from Abraham Lincoln, where he taught this truth: “When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad.” The Bible and Book of Mormon both teach that same principle of truth in many different verses. Isn’t that a great simple Power Quote that we should lovingly teach each child of God to memorize and understand at a very young age. We would all make wiser and better choices, if we repeat that simple quote in our minds, and similar ones from the Bible and Book of Mormon, whenever we are tempted by the devil and his team to make a painful, bad, and sinful choice 

The Bible and Book of Mormon are both full of wonderful and uplifting Power Quotes from God , that will bless and strengthen your life and bring more love, joy, and inner peace into your relationships with God, self, family members, and others – – if you simply take the time to prayerfully ponder on them. The devil and his team of liars and deceivers, hate it when we ponder on wise power quotes from the scriptures or other good sources, because it makes it so very hard for them to get us to make bad decisions, that give the devil and his team power over our lives with addictive bad habits, etc. They want us to be as miserable as they are, because misery loves company. And our loving Father in Heaven, and His Son, Jesus Christ, want us to be full of joy and inner-peace by following the example and teachings of Jesus Christ and thereby showing love and service toward God and His other children.

Some simple Power Quotes that can help us make wiser choices during times of trial: 

Some Power Quotes will be so meaningful, important, and powerful to you personally; that you will want to memorize them, and quote them quietly to yourself in your mind or out loud over and over again, when you feel tempted to make the wrong choice. For example; if you ever feel tempted to choose a pain-producing and damaging choice, such as choosing anger or a bad or negative whining attitude, when you lose in a “game or sport” or something goes wrong in your life; you can quote to yourself: “It’s only a game, it’s only a game” or “This too shall pass” or “No misfortune is so bad, that whining about it won’t make it worse.” Jeffrey R. Holland

When tempted to get discouraged when faced with a difficult test during your earth-school of hard knocks, you can repeat this very helpful Power Quote: “It’s only a test, it’s only a test” and this one: “This too shall pass.” Every hard earth-school test eventually passes, and we can learn and grow from it, if we are prayerful and connect to God’s help. 

You wouldn’t want to be stuck in a super easy Kindergarten type earth-school all of your life, with no hard challenges or tests to learn from, would you? Wanting a life of ease, is wanting a life without much learning or growth. During trials, you can also sing to yourself the great quotes from the song “Count your many blessings, name them one by one”, because even during our hardest challenges and tests in life, we still have countless blessings to count and thank God for. 

Or, maybe you are feeling that you are being strongly tempted to give in to an evil or wrong choice or to give up on life; so you may want to remind yourself of this Power Quote and promise from God, Himself in the Word of God/Bible: “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” Bible: 1 Corinthians 10:13 Isn’t that a wonderful and encouraging promise from God, Himself. I and millions of others have learned by much study, prayer, fasting, and experience of my own and others; that we can always trust God, and His promises that He has made to us.

Or, this simple power quote: “Inch by inch, life’s a cinch; yard by yard, life is hard.” My dear adorable wife, Amparo, and I quoted that simple, but very powerful Power Quote almost every day to ourselves and each other, to help us to get through a two year, incredibly challenging project, that at times felt incredibly stressful, unending, and impossible.

Or maybe you are feeling that someone is “making you so mad” that you are about to explode in anger, that will only cause pain and suffering and damage to your relationships with a family member or another child of God, or will damage your own relationship with yourself, and your inner peace; then you can quote to yourself one of the following Power Quotes by me, Charles Hunt (or make up your own better power quotes, and memorize them) such as: “Anger is always a painful and foolish choice that makes all relationships worse.”

“All real joy in this life and beyond is in relationships, so never make bad choices that damage relationships.”

“I have the power to make my own choices. No one can force me to make bad or foolish choices”.

“God is always wiser and smarter than the peer-pressure groups, who push us to make painful and foolish choices.” 

“Peer-pressure is almost always pushing us to make painful and foolish choices, not good ones.”

“When peer-pressure is pushing you hard to turn left; turn right – – – toward doing what is good and right, and toward God’s wisdom and choices for your life”. 

Or when you are tempted to make a choice that you know is not right with God – – , you can use this powerful quote from one of my favorite Christian songs: “Do what is right, let the consequence follow.” Why would it be helpful for families to take a few minutes as a family (maybe during family dinner or just before going to bed at night) to ponder on and discuss a couple of good power quotes, and good questions?

When tempted to get discouraged when something “non-eternal” doesn’t go the way you wish it did, you can remind yourself that: “All real joy and progress is in relationships with God, self, family members, and others.” As you ponder on that quote, it will help you to not worry as much about “things” or “stuff” that have no eternal value.

Isn’t it true that we all learn best, by prayerfully pondering on good principles and good questions? 

By pondering on power quotes from the Word of God, and other wise sources; any child of God, can transform his or her own thoughts and life in truly joyful ways, and also greatly bless and strengthen the lives of family members and other children of God.