Positive Affirmations to share at our Activities

Positive affirmations are positive, specific statements that you read or quote to yourself to help you to overcome self-sabotaging, negative thoughts. They help you visualize, and believe in, what you’re affirming to yourself, helping you to make positive changes in your life. Below are some Positive Affirmations that I wrote. You can use them, or others you find, and/or write some of your own. By reading or quoting positive affirmations regarding qualities that we desire to develop, it helps us to develop those qualities. We can choose to use positive affirmations to re-train our mind in positive, powerful, and useful ways. For example, here is a great one from the Bible: “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:12-13 As we quote that beautiful and powerful truth to ourselves, while pondering on and appreciating that it is true, and that our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ, can help us do and accomplish all important things when we choose to be deeply humble and prayerful, and also give our own best personal focused effort.

“I can change in positive and joyful ways, through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

“I can overcome any addiction and solve any important problem, through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

“Anger is always a painful and foolish choice. Each time that I am tempted to choose anger, I always pause to choose a quiet prayer instead.” (As you quote to yourself a positive affirmation like this, it works best to picture clearly and vividly in your mind, scenarios where you have witnessed how anger only causes pain and suffering and damaged relationships to everyone involved, and how you will always choose a quiet prayer pleading for God to help you choose to never choose anger again. You can also vividly and thankfully remember back on times in the past, when you have wisely chosen prayer instead of anger, in a difficult test of your patience. You can also quote to yourself, when tempted to choose anger: “It’s only a test. It’s only a test”. You can also quote a couple of funny jokes to yourself or to whoever is there with you, because laughter releases stressful and angry feelings in an amazing way. Even if you on a rare occasion ever slip and choose anger, you can choose to not get discouraged, and to be even more committed to never choose it again). 

“I choose to never get angry again.” – – – (while pondering on why anger is always a bad and pain-producing choice, that always damages relationships). 

“I am blessed by God with the power and wisdom to choose deep prayerful thoughts, when I am tempted to choose anger or resentment or bitterness.”

“I pause several times per day to just deeply ponder and thank our loving Father in Heaven for the eyesight, hearing, touch, spiritual sensitivities, beauties of nature, etc. that he has generously blessed me with.”

“I always prayerfully make each of my own choices. I am never so weak as to be swayed at all by negative peer pressure.” (As you read or quote this positive affirmation to yourself, picture in your mind, how you will choose to respond any time in the future when foolish peers try to tempt you to do something that you know is a bad and foolish choice. In some situations, the wisest choice, is to just get yourself out of that situation as quickly as you can – – – like Joseph who was sold into Egypt, and got out super quick when Potipher’s wife tried to tempt him to sleep with her.) You may say, I just remembered I need to be somewhere, which is true, – – – such as at home, or in church, or almost anywhere but there, being peer-pressured to make a bad choice.)

“I believe in Jesus Christ, and He believes in me —- because I prayerfully try to follow Him in all that I do, and I follow His promptings to lift and bless the lives of others.” – – – (while pondering on how you love Jesus Christ as our Savior, and how He loves each of us as children of God, and believes in our potential to choose and do good in the world – – – in one life and relationship at a time.)

“I always make wise and prayerful well thought out choices; never knee jerk reactions.” (If you sit on a table in a relaxed position, and the doctor taps your knee cap in just the right place; your leg will kick forward, even if you don’t want it to, which is called a knee jerk reaction. For some not-so-wise children and even many adults; if a sibling or someone else yells at them or hits them, they do a quick knee jerk reaction of yelling back or hitting back or other mean reactions back —- without even prayerfully pondering over what the wisest and most joyful reaction would be.)

“I give my very best effort in every worthy cause that I am involved in, such as my school studies, our family chores, showing kindness and love to my family members and others, any worthy sports, etc.” 

“The opposite of light is darkness. The opposite of the Light of Christ; is the darkness and influence of the devil and his team. I focus on following the Light of Christ in all that I do.”

“I always keep in mind in all that I do each day, that relationships matter far more than things. I do what I can to make all of my family relationships and other relationships better.”

“I keep in mind that there is almost nothing in this life more important or more joyful than learning to be a good and sensitive listener of people of all ages. I recognize that sweet elderly people often have the best wisdom, priorities, and love to share.” 

“I keep in mind that choosing our friends, and who we spend time with is crucial, because we become more and more like those we spend most of our time with.”

“Life is great and the best is yet to come, as I make daily efforts to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ each day”. 

“I am wise and careful about not wasting much time with mindless video games, T.V. programs, or other time wasteful activities. Things that do not lift me, or strengthen me, or teach me useful values or principles are not worth much of my time.”

“I don’t believe in generation gaps. We can learn from and lift people of all generations and ages. There is no better use of time than relaxed visiting with a friend of any age in an uplifting and caring way.”

“I keep in mind that in-depth caring communication and sharing of our inner feelings is a spiritual gift from God, and nothing else brings more real joy or inner peace than quality uplifting communication.”

“I never get stressed or angry at myself or at anyone else if I

happen to lose at any game or sport, which teaches me to be a more kind and caring person. That is why sports can teach so much good or teach so much bad — depending on how we choose to play the game – – – or the game and test of life.” 

“While playing any sport; I always keep in mind that ‘it’s only a game, and a couple of hundred years from now it really won’t matter who happened to win any game, even if it is an Olympic championship game. ” 

“I never damage my relationship with myself or with God by choosing anger or bitterness or resentment.” 

“I always keep in mind that all real joy and inner peace in this life and beyond is in relationships, and in worthy accomplishments that make a positive difference in the lives of others.”

“In all that I do, I make prayerful efforts to apply the joyful teachings of Jesus Christ in all of my thoughts and actions —- keeping in mind that that is the most joyful way to live and to make a positive difference in my family, community, and in the world.”

“I keep in mind that if I desire the divine gifts of inner peace, joy, and loving relationships; then I must choose to show kindness, respect, and love toward my family members and others — even if they haven’t yet figured out that that is the most joyful way to live.”

“I wisely choose to show unconditional love to my family members and others. However, I also have the wisdom to spend most of my time with people who will help encourage me and strengthen me in positive ways, not in negative ways.”

“I keep in mind that we become more and more like the people we choose to spend our time with, so I am very careful in choosing those I spend time with. I lift others up who are truly interested in changing their lives in better and more joyful ways, but I do not wallow in the mud with those who choose to waste their time and lives in foolish and painful things.”

“The path of righteousness and joy that Jesus taught is not a hard path to follow, when I faithfully keep in mind that it works far better than any other path to bring inner peace and real joy.” 

“I keep in mind the importance of holding prayerfully tight to the Word of God, all of the days of my life — until I am safely dead.”

“I keep in mind that because of the loving Atonement of Jesus Christ, none of us will ever be really dead. Our inner spirit part of us does not change one bit, just by stepping out of our bodies at the end of our time on earth. The only thing we will take with us is our good and joyful Relationships with God, self, family members, and others.”

“I keep in mind that as long as I am working to build and enjoy good and uplifting relationships here on earth, then those relationships will surely continue in joyful ways after this life. The scriptures and those who have had “near death experiences” testify of that joyful truth.”

“I am as incredibly observant as Sherlock Holmes in the things that matter most —- such as prayerfully making careful mental and written notes of exactly what works and what does not work to bring true inner peace and real joy and truly joyful and uplifting relationships.”

“I always seek after those things that bring inner peace and real joy and joyful uplifting relationships”

“I prayerfully learn from my own mistakes and wise choices, as well as from the mistakes and wise choices of others”

“My strength is as the strength of 10 for my heart is pure”. (quote by Sir Gallahad).

“As a child of God, I prayerfully keep eternal perspective in mind in all things. Thereby, I choose to not stress or worry much about things that will not matter in 100 or 200 years from now.” 

“As a child of God, I wisely keep the awesome promises that God has given us in the scriptures in mind, and I do not let others sway me from following His joyful path —– the straight and narrow path of Joy.”

“I keep in mind that anyone who chooses to cheat to win, loses far more inner peace and joy than they win. And winning trophies, awards, money, games, things, etc. can not even compare to the inner peace and real joy that comes in quality trusting relationships.”

“I keep in mind that the most joyful of all relationships is my Relationships with our loving Father in Heaven, and His Son, Jesus Christ. And as I get that relationship right, it increases my ability to feel and show love, kindness, and respect toward myself and others, which brings about miracles of increased joy and love to my other relationships.”

“I keep in mind that there is no better or more joyful miracle that we can be blessed with than true inner peace and joy and love, which are priceless gifts from God —– given to us as rewards for doing good, and for following the inner spirit guidance that each of us receives from the Light of Christ or consciende, which is given to all people.” 

“I keep in mind that the wisest and best choice is to save physical intimacy for marriage. There is no greater gift that my future spouse and I can give to each other? No one who truly loves you will try to rob you of that.” 

“I keep in mind that there is no such thing as sin without pain and suffering.

And that “Prepare and prevent, always works better than Repair and Repent.” (Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can all be forgiven of our foolish and painful sins, but the repentance process does not come without some painful remorse and suffering and damaging of trust.) 

“When I foolishly make mistakes or sin against the teachings in God’s Plan of Happiness, I wisely come back more prayerful and committed to our loving Father in Heaven, and our Savior, Jesus Christ and their teachings and I seek forgiveness, inner peace, and joy that comes with it.”

“I keep in mind that some of Satan’s favorite tools are discouragement, distraction, deception, doubt and fear. As a child of God, and with God’s help, I can prayerfully overcome all challenges, tests, and obstacles in my life.”

“I keep in mind that if life was easy, it wouldn’t be hard. And life by necessity must be hard at times, or how would we learn the needed lessons of compassion, faith, sincere prayer, becoming better and stronger by overcoming big obstacles, etc. This earth school and testing period is not meant to be like an easy Kindergarten class, but more like a truly challenging college class that will take our very best prayerful efforts.”

“I always keep in mind that with God’s help nothing is impossible”

“I always keep a prayer in my mind and heart, so that I can access the incredible power, inner peace, joy, and love that is available as we come closer to our Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ.” 

“I keep in mind that building and enjoying relationships is a good use of my valuable time. I recognize that learning to become a better listener, and to visit comfortably with others is a wise use of my time.”

“Peacefully enjoying nature and counting my many blessings is often a very good use of time.”

“I keep in mind that the most important of all good work is to make a positive difference in the lives of others through sharing kindness, love, and service whenever I have the opportunity.”

“I make a positive difference in the lives of others each day with friendly smiles, kind uplifting words, pleasant greetings, and genuine listening and communication.”

“I prayerfully analyze daily how I can show more kindness, love and respect to each of my family members and others. I understand God’s Great Plan of Happiness well enough to understand that is the most joyful way for me to live and to do my part at making a positive difference in the world – one relationship at a time.” 

“I picture myself clearly in my mind reacting very calmly, patiently, and maturely, and wisely to difficult people in difficult situations, and that helps me to handle it wisely when the situations come up.”

“I keep in mind that I can not make a positive difference in my community and the world by following peer pressure like a sheep without wisdom.”

“I keep in mind that only the weak and foolish follow peer pressure. I can be one who wisely and prayerfully chooses my own path and decisions, and thereby with the help of God, I am empowered to make a positive difference in the world one relationship at a time.”

“I keep in mind that making a positive difference in just one life, will make my life worthwhile, and will make a positive difference in the world. I have been endowed by God with the wisdom and power to make a positive difference in the lives of those around me. I can and will lift others one eternally precious life at a time”

“I am a child of God, and with His help and guidance, I can accomplish all of my worthwhile goals.” 

“As a child of God, I have been endowed with the power and wisdom to make my own well thought out and prayed about choices. I will never be swayed by negative peer pressure.”

“I wisely choose to be kind, thoughtful, caring, prayerful —- never grouchy, angry, mean, or abusive.”

“I am courageous, strong, and wise in my decisions and commitments. I make prayerful, committed righteous choices in every truly important decision, and I stick to those choices, no matter what peer pressures come my way.”

“I am wise and prayerful about the situations I get myself into, and like Joseph who was sold into Egypt; if I need to get out, I do it quickly and without hesitation. I stay away from temptations as much as possible, including by choosing to spend my time with people who will lift me up, not pull me down.”

“I am wise and prayerful about what I allow my eyes to see and to dwell on, realizing that pornography can be very damaging to all of my relationships with God, self, family members, and others. I wisely choose to see people as the wonderful children of God that they are, and for their potential, not as degraded objects of lust as Satan and his buddies would like me to see them as.”

“When I happen to lose at a game or sport, I keep in mind that “It’s only a game, and relationships are far more joyful and important than any game.”

“I always keep in mind where real joy and inner peace come from; and that keeps my stress level way down and simplifies my life.”

“Because I pray always, no one can make me choose anger, and that feels really good.”

“I choose to forgive all people, which is clearly the wisest choice. I keep in mind that not forgiving another, is like taking some daily poison, and hoping it will hurt or kill the other person. I also keep in mind that forgiving someone, does not mean that I should trust them, unless they prove they are worthy of that trust.”

“By much prayer and pondering, I am becoming wiser and more determined in my choices.”

“Never again will I ever be swayed by negative peer pressure. As a prayerful child of God, I am wise enough and strong enough to make my own choices.”

“I keep in mind that I am a son (or daughter) of God, and therefore I have infinite worth and potential to do good.”

“I wisely choose to treat all people as though they have infinite worth and potential, because it is true, since each of us is a child of God, and has the potential to change and grow.”

‘I keep in mind that through constant prayer, God can help me overcome all temptations and obstacles that would hinder my joyful progression.’

“As a child of God, I love learning everything of value — especially principles that can help me to build and enjoy healthier relationships.”

“As a child of God, I have been blessed with the power and ability to make a positive difference in the lives of other children of God with one kindness at a time.”

“I keep in mind that part of my quality relationship with myself comes as I give my very best effort in school and in other worthy areas that help me to be better prepared to support my future family.”

“I know what joy is for I have done good work. I keep in mind that the most joyful and important of all good work is showing kindness and love to another child of God.”

“I love to learn everything that could be useful to me in my life, and my love of learning and focused effort at it makes it much easier to learn.”

“I make “to do lists” of things that are important to get done, and I focus and get them done. It brings me joy as I get them checked off.”

“I humbly seek help in all important areas of my life where I need help, and I show sincere appreciation to God and others for that help.”

“I continually prepare myself to make a more positive difference in the lives of other children of God.”

“I live my daily life in a way that God and other loved ones will be proud of me.”

“When I am going through any particularly difficult trial of my patience or endurance, I quote to myself “It’s only a test. It’s only a test”. (I keep in mind that my time on earth is a test and schooling period —- kind of like going off to college, but far more important than college. As a prayerful child of God, I can and will pass all my tests with honors. I keep this scripture in mind “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. 1 Corinthians 10:13).

“I keep in mind that in spite of my best efforts; we will all on occasion slip and stumble during our earth school period. I prayerfully come unto Christ and my Father in Heaven for healing, repentance, and strength to get back up and progress ahead after each stumble and set-back. No one and no thing can ever keep me down, because the Lord is on my team, as I choose to be on his team.”

“I keep in mind that nothing is more important than family relationships —- except my relationship with God, which also is a key to helping me in my family and other relationships. I also keep in mind that almost all lousy and painful family relationships can be turned around and healed with God’s help and some focused prayerful effort by all of the family members.”

“I work like everything depends on my own efforts, and I pray like everything depends on God’s help and guidance.”

“I keep in mind that life isn’t fair at all — in the things that matter not at all eternally, but is fair in the things of eternal consequence. Therefore, when I am tempted to complain that life isn’t fair, I prayerfully come unto our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ for better eternal perspective.”

“I prayerfully seek to not stress much over things that won’t matter in 100 or 200 years from now. However, I do give my best effort to take care of my important obligations and responsibilities to my family, at school, and at work, etc.”

“I keep in mind that a Christ-Centered child of God, student, athlete, employee, business owner should do everything with excellence that is worth doing at all.”

“I prayerfully focus my very best efforts at any important and worthy task that I need to accomplish.”

“I do all that I can to simplify my life, so that I have more time for the things that matter most.”

“I do not choose to get caught up in the foolish peer-pressure idea that I need to spend my hard earned money on buying everything brand new and the latest fashions and brands, etc. I am wise and careful with my money. I am not too prideful to buy clothes, cars, and other things used at garage sales, thrift stores, Facebook Marketplace, etc. The money I save gives me far more financial peace of mind and freedom to prepare for a safe retirement and to stay out of debt, etc.” 

“I keep in mind that a great definition of wealth is to spend less than you take in. I avoid debt like the stressful and horrible plague that it is.”

“I do my best to keep my room and my home clean and organized, because it feels so much better, and cleanliness is next to Godliness.”

“I try to mostly eat what is good for my whole body, not just what my little tiny taste buds in my mouth are craving for.”

“I keep in mind that life is great, and the best is yet to come, because I am learning to apply the teachings of Jesus Christ more joyfully into every part of my life.”

“I very prayerfully and carefully win each day against everything that Satan and his buddies throw at me.”

“Some people can only say, when life is easy, you can count on me. I choose to live in such a way, that it can be said that you can count on me —- even when life is very hard.”

“I give my very best effort in sports I choose to be involved in, but in a very relaxed way, while always keeping in mind that showing kindness and respect to each of my competitors and teammates is far more important than who happens to win or lose. ” 

“Giving my very best effort in a great sport like pickleball, tennis or table-tennis; teaches me to give my very best effort in life and in all worthy causes.”

“I keep in mind that no one likes playing a game or sport with a ‘bad sport’. I am always kind and respectful whether I happen to win or lose”

“I never get stressed or angry at myself or at anyone else if I

happen to lose at any game or sport, which teaches me to be a more kind and caring person. That is why sports can teach so much good or teach so much bad — depending on how we choose to play the game or the game or test of life.” 

“I never damage my relationship with myself or with God or others by choosing anger or bitterness or resentment.” 

“I always keep in mind that all real joy and inner peace in this life and beyond is in relationships, and in worthy accomplishments that make a positive difference in the lives of others.”

“I will never become angry again; because it is never a wise choice. It always damages inner peace and real joy. If someone else chooses to damage their own inner peace and joy by becoming angry or grouchy or mean toward me; I will prayerfully try to deeply understand and have compassion for their inner feelings.”