30 Day Experiment on the Teachings of Jesus Christ”

This may be the most important point in my website, because the best and most sure way to find out if the teachings of Jesus Christ really work and are true; is to put it to the test/experiment for 30 days, and see if it brings more love, joy, inner-peace, purpose, and improved relationships, etc. 

It is best and even more accurate, to do a 90 day experiment if you have the stick-to-ity to do so. Or, just truly focus on giving it your very best prayerful effort ever for 30 days, and if it works and you feel more real love, joy, and inner-peace and more loving relationships than ever before, then you will likely wisely choose to continue it for life. 

” Power quote to ponder on: “God did not send us to earth to be entertained. He sent us here for a far more glorious purpose.”   Richard G. Scott

Important questions to ponder on:

Is it true, that you came here to earth for a far more glorious purpose than to waste the majority of your time on mindless video games, T.V.,  and other unimportant non-eternal activities? Do you want to find far more meaning, purpose,  joy and inner peace in your life and in your relationships than you have ever known before? Would it be a wise choice for you to do a 30 day experiment on the joyful teachings of Jesus Christ? Isn’t it true that if you truly focus your very best efforts with God’s help, that you can do anything for just 30 days? And isn’t it true, that any good and wise thing that you can train your body and habit patterns to do for 30 days, you can do for a life-time? – – if it is truly important  to you?

Considering that tens of millions of children of God all over the world testify that the teachings of Jesus Christ work far, far better than anything else; do you think that you should at least give it your honest best effort for at least 30 days, so you can find out for yourself if that is true or not? What can you lose? If you don’t feel far more inner peace, real joy and loving relationships at the end of the 30 day experiment; you can always go back to your old way of living, right?

Jesus taught the following: “If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.” John 7:17  What if a young person only attends church because their parents pretty much require it.  And what if the young person just sits in church, and goes through the motions on the outside, but never really gives their very best effort to follow those teachings for at least 30 days to see if those teachings really “work”?  By “work”, I mean do they bring the fruits of the Spirit — by bringing more real love, joy, inner-peace, goodness, and loving relationships, than anything else as promised by God Himself in the Bible in Galatians 5:22?

Along with millions of others of many different Christian denominations, I can boldly and clearly testify that I have come to know with certainty that the teachings of Jesus Christ work far better than anything else. And coming unto Christ and unto our loving Father in Heaven in prayer and discipleship brings amazing transforming miracles within our inner spirit part of us, that can not be denied by those who have truly put it to the test. The fact that the Bible is the all-time  #1 best selling book in the world, is pretty convincing evidence that it is worth putting the teachings of Jesus Christ to the test, to learn why more people love the beautiful teachings of Jesus Christ, than any other teachings?  I also have come to know with certainty, that as we make personal prayerful efforts to come unto Christ, and to our loving Father in Heaven, that an inner peace and joy will come into our lives beyond what we have ever imagined possible, even right during major trials in our lives, as it has worked for me, and many millions of others.

I believe that the most crucial lesson that each of us parents and grandparents can help our children and grandchildren to understand at a young age is – – – where does real love, joy, and inner-peace come from?  Who is the root source of those amazing gifts of the Spirit that feel better than anything else? The root source of all of that is from our loving Father in Heaven, and it is given to each of us when we do what is right, good, honest, and kind toward others. If our children (and each of us) can learn that at as young of age as possible; and know that it is true by living it and doing the 30 day experiment, preferably together as a family – – to live by the teachings of Jesus Christ with every effort and prayer we can muster, so we can see how it truly feels inside of the inner-spirit part of us.  Then, if it feels better, as God promises it will; then we can continue that great habit for life. As Abraham Lincoln taught, “When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad”. That is a crucial eternal truth from God, that is super important for each of us to clearly understand – –  preferably at a very young age, so that we can truly enjoy “love and peace at home” – – not tension, stress, and contention at home that too many families suffer under, because of too much disrespect, bullying, and selfishness in the home.    

We can ask our children, “When you get older and become an adult, do you want to marry someone who has developed habits of being kind, loving, and sweet – – – or someone who has developed habits of being grouchy and mean? Of course, the one you marry will want the same, so if we want to prepare to marry someone really nice, kind, and loving; then we need to practice every day being as kind and loving as we can, so that we will be worthy and a good match for the wonderful person that we want to marry.

An experiment on the words of Jesus Christ will not really work well or at all, if it is forced or pressured upon anyone. All forceful methods are of the devil and his team, —– not of God. Forcing someone to be good and kind and loving, does not work. In fact, forceful methods bring about inner-feelings of rebellion and anger, not love, compassion, kindness, and cheerful unselfish service to others.

The following is my suggestion for your 30 day experiment:

1.  Plan some fun and wholesome and uplifting activities together as a family for at least a few minutes each day, such as playing fun games together like pickleball or ping-pong as a family, enjoying beautiful walks in nature together, singing uplifting songs together with the sing-along app that we share on this website, and sharing and discussing Power Quotes Bible with each other, and praying together as a family and thanking God openly in prayer for each of your family members, and their efforts to try to live a Relationship-centered and Christ-centered life, etc. 

2. Read at least one page a day from your own New Testament (2nd half of the Bible that focuses on the teachings of Jesus Christ) and/or from the Book of Mormon, and underline in red pen or other markers at least one item on each page that can help you with any of your relationships, or that is meaningful to you. If you don’t own a Bible or Book of Mormon yet, you can go to the website: ComeUntoChrist.org and request a free Bible.

3. Keep a prayer in your heart and mind almost constantly: A focus on constant prayer is a major key to a truly successful life transforming experiment on the teachings of Jesus Christ. How does one pray?  Just start by addressing your “Dear Father in Heaven” (or similar words to start your prayer); then just talk with him as the dear and loving eternal Father and friend that He is, and at the end, you just close “in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen”. You can pray quietly in your mind, or preferably verbally out-loud in a private place, and God will hear your prayers. You can ask Him sincerely to please let you feel of His Love for you and of His Peace to give you more inner peace and love and purpose in your life. I suggest you ask our Father in Heaven for guidance in how you can lift and strengthen each of your family members and others you associate with. 

4. Focus far better than ever before at following every teaching of Jesus Christ  in every word, deed, and thought and in showing kindness, respect, and love in all of your interactions with every family member and with everyone else.

5. Find at least a little time each day to serve and lift others in your family and elsewhere. The Bible says that Jesus “went about doing good”, so if we are to test his teachings and follow His example, we must do the same – – – and go about doing good and “random acts of kindness” for your family members and others.

6. Verbally express your love to your family members each day. That expression of love will become more and more sincere as you pray to feel of God’s love for you and others, and pray for the ability to share God’s love with others.  If you are not yet in the habit of saying “I Love you” to family members and other words like that, don’t worry about it, today is a good day to start that with God’s help. (Don’t be embarrassed if it is hard to say at first, – – – that is just the devil and his minions trying to keep you from showing the love that God wants us to show toward family members and others.) 

7. Look everyone in the eye and give them the gift of a kind and caring smile to help them feel cared about and important. Greet all people with kindness, respect, and love in your eyes and heart. This will take practice, effort, focus, and much prayer. Don’t worry if some of them act surprised at your new more kind, gentle, and loving ways. You will all get used to it, and learn to love it. It feels far better than getting grouchy or inpatient with each other at times.

8. Prayerfully listen with your heart to more deeply understand others.

9. Pray always for the ability to forgive everyone. Keep in mind the amazing example of Jesus Christ, regarding what he prayed for while hanging in agony on the cross as he pleaded “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. “ Bible: Luke 23: 33 and 34. I believe the best guidance Jesus ever taught for helping us to forgive others, is when he commanded us to even pray for our enemies in Matthew 5: 43 – 44: “Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.  But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”

 10. Record daily at least a little of your inner thoughts and feelings in a journal that could be called your “Experiment on the Teachings of Jesus Christ Journal”. It could be a paper journal, or you could record it in your “Notes” section on your cell phone or a Word document on your computer. You will enjoy reading those notes later, as you look back on this life-changing 30 day experiment.

11. Read and ponder the Power quotes from the Bible, and Book of Mormon, and other sources on the website, and pick out some of your favorites to share with others at our Christ Centered Team gatherings.

12. Share the positive things that you are learning with your family members. Invite your family members to do the 30 day experiment together

13. Give your very best effort in your school work and in all other areas that are worthy of your time. If you are in school or at work anyway, why not give your best effort while there? 

14. Prayerfully evaluate daily about your current and future long-term goals and priorities.

15. Try to make a truly positive difference in at least one life each day. It can be something simple like a kind smile, sincere compliment, or listening ear to someone who needs it.

16. Prayerfully evaluate all of your habits, and replace all the undesirable ones with good ones.

17. No swearing, cheating, lying, tobacco, mind-altering substances, etc. for 30 days.

18. Even if some of your family members or others will be shocked, for 30 days very prayerfully and carefully choose to focus on becoming one of the most kind, caring, and thoughtful persons that they have ever known.

19. Sing primary songs and/or gospel hymns daily by yourself with the Sing-Along app referred to on this website, or preferably with anyone in your family who will do it with you to bring the Spirit of God more into your home. Help your family members and yourself to understand that it does not matter if any of you can sing beautifully or not — the important thing is to sing out quite loud with your heart, feelings, and a prayerful attitude as you sing the beautiful songs.

20. For you young single people; keep in mind that when you some day get married, you will want you and your future spouse to treat each other with a great deal of kindness, respect, and love in every interaction every day isn’t that right? The only way to do that is for you to get into the habit way before then – –  preferably starting today, of treating your family members that way now, long before you get married.

This experiment may take 30 minutes or so a day, so how will youth or adults find time for that —– even though working at building relationships is the most important thing of all during our time on earth? I pause to remember back in high school, when I spent an average of about 3 hours a day of my precious time all the way through high school working at 3 different high school sports throughout the school year, and a lot more time on top of that with my mind thinking about sports, instead of about far more important things. I did learn some useful lessons in sports, but being involved on a Christ Centered Team would have been far more valuable for me.  If you choose to put some wise focus on this program, it may cut into a portion of your T.V. time or your video game or cell phone time each day, but I promise you, it will be far more than worth it. Considering that nothing is as important or joyful as learning to build and enjoy better relationships, it will surely be worth any time wisely invested in it. And if you think your family members are just too busy, then just share a couple of Power-quotes and an uplifting sing-along song while eating dinner together, or for just a few minutes before going to bed at night. A crucial important part of the 30 day experiment, is just focusing on being extra kind, caring, loving and thoughtful with each family member in every little interaction throughout the day, as you keep in mind that relationships matter far more than anything else.  It truly does not take more time to be kind in each of your interactions than to be grouchy, touchy, inpatient and selfish. The attitude and priority to choose to live a relationship-centered is what makes the joy-producing difference.

Even if you never start or join a Christ Centered Team; I hope each of you readers will at least more clearly realize from some points on this website, that making a firm personal decision to live a Christ-centered life, is the wisest choice for a truly joyful life. You may be thinking, “But Charles, I am too busy (playing video games, watching T.V., playing sports, working, doing school work, etc.) to take the time and focus to do a 30 day experiment on the joyful teachings of Jesus Christ”. Are you too busy with eternally unimportant distractions; to spend time on what matters most both during our time on earth and forever after, which is obviously Relationships, isn’t it?

Considering that the “average child” in the United States, spends over 7 hours each day on screen time (T.V, video games, computers, cell phone) etc.; you don’t want to be an “average child” that loses 7 precious hours per day on screen time that has no eternal value, do you? Are there things that you spend time on that are less important than giving effort and focus on learning to live a far more joyful and fulfilling and meaningful Relationship-Centered life? Are you wasting a large amount of precious time on things that won’t really matter  50 or 100 or 200 years from now?

Our loving Father in Heaven has provided that quality loving family relationships and other quality relationships can continue after we leave this life, but none of our “things or worldly wealth we have worked to accumulate can go with us, isn’t that right? How much more joy, inner peace, and love will we all feel in our home and lives if every member of our family chooses to do this 30 day experiment on the teachings of Jesus Christ? 

What if you shared this website with your closest friends, and if you as friends decided to all try this 30 day experiment, to see if our relationships feel more joyful and wonderful?  What if you choose to help spread this website and the principles in it with others;  which is mostly simple teachings and principles from the teachings of Jesus Christ, that have proven to work far better than anything else to bring real joy and loving relationships.

You may be thinking, “But Charles, think about the horrible things that some people have done in the name of ‘religion?”  My response: Oh, yes, I know about those horrible things, but if you pause to study it deeper, you will see that in each case, it was bad people pretending to be “Christians”, but Jesus taught that by their fruits or works ye shall know his true followers, and if they show real love one to another. When anyone abuses others, obviously they are not acting as a true Christian, even if they say they are a Christian.    

Are you wise enough to pause to ponder about what matters most? And to start giving more time and effort on what matters most for a joyful and meaningful life of making a truly positive difference in the world?

Please pause to consider how good it would feel to truly make a positive difference in the lives of other children of God; rather than to waste away your time in this earth-school and testing period?

Love is an Action Word, isn’t it? If you say you love someone, but you do not show it by your actions, words, voice tones, etc.; then do you truly love them, and do they feel of your love?